session of the Climate Change Platform
risks that are derived from climate change affect the global financial
system. Extreme weather events and their intensity are placing
significant stress on financial institutions, societies, and natural
systems, and together we must be prepared to -financially- face
them.Join the dialogue during the First Session of the Curaçao Climate
Change Platform co-hosted by the CBCS on May 10 and 11, 2022, to deepen
the awareness on this urgent matter.
Program May 10, 2022
14:00 Official opening
14:15 Establishment of the Curaçao Climate Change Platform - Mr.
Charles Cooper, Minister of Transport, Traffic & Urban Planning
14:30 Keynote
Speech: Climate change opportunities for Curaçao - Mr.
Richinel Bulbaai, University of Curaçao
15:15 Keynote Speech: Climate change: Implications for the financial
sector - Mr. Richard Doornbosch, Centrale Bank van Curaçao en Sint
Maarten (Speech) (Slides)
16:30 Climate change industry - Mrs.
Jessica Russel-Lucasius, Living
Lab Refineria di Korsou
17:00 Objectives of the Curaçao Climate Change
Platform - Mr. Albert
Martis, Meteorological Department Curaçao
18:00 Network reception
May 11, 2022
08:30 Realizing a circular economy through
cooperation between
education and private sector - Mr. Ivo Kothman, Saxion
09:00 Water management strategy for Curaçao
- Mrs. Pédzi
Flores-Girigori, Commission for Integrated Water Resource Management
09:30 Climate change projects: Programs and Fund
Availability - Mrs.
Vanessa Toré, Ministery of Economic Development
10:30 Establishment of the Technical Commissions - Mr. Albert Martis
& Mrs. Pédzi Flores-Girigori, Meteorological Department Curaçao
12:00 Closing remarks and date Second Session