latest_news Committees

The Commission for Impact Studies


The mandate of the Commission for Impact Studies is:

a.      To collect studies about the effects and impact of climate change worldwide and where necessary conduct tailored studies how those effects will impact Curaçao.

b.      To coordinate the integration and execution of the work plans of the Platform in the activities of the commission.  


This commission consists of three working groups. These are:

-          Physical System; focused on the current and future effects of climate change, such as change in the weather systems, climate and sea conditions that can be compared to the existing climate normal.

-          Biological System; focused on understanding the climate change impacts on the terrestrial and marine ecosystems.

-          Human System; focused on a better understanding of the impacts on the human health, well-being and safety.


The Commission for Adaptation Strategies


The mandate of the Commission for Adaptation Strategies is:

a.      To collect studies about new adaptation strategies to reduce the vulnerability to the local impacts of climate change.

b.      To collect studies about regenerative practices in order to enhance the biodiversity 

c.       To conduct feasibility studies and possible scenarios of such strategy or practice for Curaçao;


This commission consists of seven working groups. These are:

-          Green Infrastructure; focused on increasing passive cooling due to decrease of solar heat gain, stabilizing soil to prevent erosion and absorbing atmospheric carbon dioxide;

-          Water Management; focused on enhancing the rainfall storage capacity for alternative use, reduce the risk of flooding, and lessen the salinization of the groundwater.

-          Build environment; focused on stimulating the application of building technologies to build energy-efficient buildings, and focusing on preserving our world heritage site Willemstad

-          Coastal Zone Management: focused on promoting the reduction of coastal inundation and erosion risks while achieving better biodiversity on and near the coast.

-          Culture Heritage; focused on preserving intangible aspects of our culture.

-          Food Security focused on increasing national food production, while also strengthening the economy.

-          Economy and financial sector; strengthen the resilience of the economy and the financial sector.


The Commission for Mitigation Strategies

The mandate of the Commission for Mitigation Strategies is:

a.      To collect studies about new energy efficient technologies, energy savings strategies and renewable energies sources that are applicable for Curaçao.

b.      To conduct feasibility studies and explore possible scenarios of such technologies and evaluate these for Curaçao;


This commission consists of three working groups. These are:

-          Renewable Energy: ; focused on the understanding of the different energy sources and their local applicability;

-          Green Transportation & Energy; focused on enhancing the knowledge of new technologies and their applicability.

-          Sustainable Waste Management: focused on refining and improving our waste management system and consumption patterns.


The Advisory Group for Capacity Building and Awareness

The mandate of the Advisory Group for Capacity Building and Awareness is:

a.      To collect best practices and build organizational capacity about co-designing and execution of programs and projects with international funds.

b.      To promote co-implementations of the results and recommendations for policy-makers and communities through awareness campaigns for a sustainable future;

c.       To coordinate the integration and execution of the work plans of the Platform in the activities of the advisory group.  


This commission consists of three working groups. These are:

-          Capacity Development: Strengthen capability of stakeholders in order to develop and execute programs and projects successfully; this also includes building a center of excellence.

-          Awareness Activities: Promote continuously the progress of the activities to the policymakers and the general public, in order to increase support and accelerate the implementation of the actions at national and community levels.

-          Children & Youth Engagement: Build capacity amongst the children and the youth to transfer knowledge and experience to ensure a climate proof future.